Achieve a better understanding of your clients' finances. Save time by tracking your clients financial information and deliver better quality advice through reliable data and insights.
Current and historical net worth
Assets & liabilities
Portfolio and holdings performance
Unrealised gains & losses
Insurance, credit & loans
Our platform supports over 20,000 traditional and non-traditional financial accounts and connections, giving you a complete view of your clients’ finances in one place.
Stay up to date with real-time changes to customer circumstances and offer timely, proactive advice.
Gain insights into your clients' suitability, with up to date income & expenditure tracking, including a detailed breakdown of their expenses..
Convenient and instant access to up-to-date net worth statements and balance sheet reports.
Stay on top of client annual reviews and deliver exceptional service.
Fuze provides your clients with an easy-to-understand platform that offers a breakdown of their holdings, assets, and liabilities, along with real-time information on their transactions and net worth.
Fully white labelled platform ensures a seamless and cohesive brand experience for both your firm and your clients.
Our onboarding process is designed to be stress-free and efficient. The entire process can be completed within a day, allowing you to focus on growing your business.
We will continue to improve the platform with new updates,
upgrades and features.